The Maximo Utilities Working Group is a non-profit utility industry organization that is managed by industry leaders from power generation, transmission & distribution, gas transmission, water and waste water companies, municipalities, and other licensed organizations that use IBM Maximo for the management of assets and resources. The MUWG Charter and Mission are to serve the membership and provide information exchange and training that provides benefit to the membership. The leadership of MWUG has determined that many members can benefit by MUWG offering a Planner – Scheduler Certification Program that incorporates the use of Maximo to meet recognized industry best practices for the effective planning of work and the subsequent scheduling of work for the benefit of improving overall asset performance and improved utilization of resources. The objective of this certification program is to establish knowledge and skills requirements for the individuals that plan and schedule work within the Maximo application and third party products that create a fully integrated planned and scheduled result.
This program is limited to any licensed Maximo user and may include participants from other Maximo user groups. The content of the program will be the property of the MUWG and MUWG will be the certifying organization based on the content of the program, the individual participation in the training sessions and a written test at the end of the three sessions will comprise the full certification.
Program Overview:
The Planner – Scheduler Certification is established to provide a knowledge, skill and experience criterion for defining the work an individual would need to be able to successfully perform to create high quality plans that meet the needs of the workforce, and to be able to develop schedules that support the fullest use of man power, materials, tools and other related activities for asset care. The use of the Maximo application is fundamental to the planning process, and typically includes the locations and assets for which work is planned. The scheduling process may include Maximo functionality or third party products that are integrated with Maximo for the purpose of facilitating resource scheduling.
The program will have three levels or training sessions to cover the knowledge that MUWG believes a Planner – Scheduler needs to effectively use Maximo functionality to plan work and support the scheduling processes which are generally considered best practices for the utilities and other capital intensive industries.
The levels are as follows:
Planner Scheduler Level I
This is the introduction to the planning and scheduling processes and how these processes are integrated into an overall asset and maintenance management program. The following topics will be covered.
Asset Management with Maximo including how Locations, assets, resources, and supply chain (purchasing, inventory, contracts) are related and managed.
The basics of the planning process to address:
Job planning naming and numbering practices
Job plan technical content strategies and practices
Job plan resources planning –Labor estimates and durations
Material support –stock, non-stock and open purchase
The uses of planned tools – why and when to use this function
The use of planned services
How safety and environmental regulations may be addressed
Associating plans to assets and locations
Management of Job Plan libraries
The basics of Scheduling routine work to address:
Defining what is scheduled work
Man loaded schedules
Managing the backlog of work
Scheduling work that provides the greatest value
Managing scheduled work and meeting the needs of the supervisor
Using Maximo status to track work through the planning and schedule processes
Third party scheduling tools that improve schedule effectiveness
Metrics that can be applied to Planning and Scheduling to assess improvements
Planning labor estimating accuracy
Level of scheduled work (%)
Schedule compliance (%)
Material planning accuracy
Direct Labor
Work Backlog trending
Work distribution by labor class and work type
Planner Scheduler Level II
Using Maximo Planning capability to get the most out of the planning resource. This training will go into detail on the planning process and cover the following topics:
Managing the Planning Process and Resources
The Planning with Maximo to include:
Developing technical content
Linking documents to Plans
Approaches to labor estimating
The use and importance of duration
Standard job plans
Applying plans to assets
Addressing materials required for maintenance
Job plans for PM, CM, Modifications and Construction
Setting up and Managing PMs in Maximo
Setting up and using PM for regulatory compliance
Time based PMs
Meter and condition based PMS – why, when and how
Master PMs when to use them and how to set up
PM Hierarchies- when and how to use them
Routes- why, when, how to set up
Planning Corrective Work – when to use a job plan – when to plan on WO
Why and when to plan corrective work
Criteria for trouble shooting and planning
Follow-up work orders
Work order hierarchies – when and how to use
Setting up and managing rotating items (repairable Spares)
Applying failure code to Locations and Assets
Classifying Locations and Assets
Setting up new Locations and Assets in the Maximo
Outage Planning with Maximo – timeline
Level of Planning for outages
Planning materials to meet outage requirements
Planning for Services to be used
Level of detail for outage work, labor estimate and duration consideration
Planner Scheduler Level III
The training focuses on Scheduling work that has been planned in Maximo. Both short range and long range scheduling along with outage scheduling are addressed. The Maximo scheduling capability along with third party scheduling tools are presented, this training includes the following topics:
The scheduling Process to include:
Work order backlog review
Work selection – weekly scheduling meeting
Managing the workforce to the schedule
Managing schedule interruptions and emergency work
Performing unplanned and unscheduled work
Determination of schedule target for level of work scheduled
Scheduling routine weekly/monthly work
Schedule Applications that work with Maximo
Scheduling in Maximo
Delivering the schedule and work orders to the supervisor
Scheduling Metrics and trending reports
At the end of this session a Planner Scheduling test is administered to finalize and validate the certification level of knowledge – this is a pass/fail test.