The Maximo Utility Working Group (MUWG) is a utility industry sponsored working group that provides a forum for Maximo users to exchange information, methods and experiences, improve asset and work management practices and processes in the utility work place. This exchange of information is designed to improve the knowledge, use, practices and methods, so as to optimize use of Maximo's capabilities.
The MUWG provides its membership with opportunities to exchange information on issues such as:
2.1 Management of Work in the Utility Workplace
Developing quality maintenance work orders to support an asset management program
Optimizing and managing maintenance expenditures through productivity improvement
Work planning and scheduling
Developing and managing key performance indicators for maintenance management
Instituting and improving an effective work control process
Implementation of new technologies to improve the performance of work
Development of job plans and best practices for maintenance work
2.2 Management of Utility Assets
New methods for optimizing recurring maintenance, including reliability centered maintenance and condition based maintenance
Effective methods for cost allocations
Techniques for developing effective asset maintenance and cost histories
Effective tools for analyzing life cycle costing of utility assets
Asset Data structures and information for implementation of Maximo
2.3 Management of the Software Maximo
Developing asset hierarchy, asset profiles, job plans and PMs for an effective work and asset management tool
Configuration management of the software databases and applications
New features in version releases
Interfacing Maximo with other software tools to gain optimum utilization
3.1 Utility
Any organization that generates, produces, distributes or delivers electricity, gas, oil, water, (including waste water disposal) and/or basic services to support all or part of the above commodities.
3.2 Member
Any Utility or asset based company that is licensed to use MAXIMO products. IBM Maximo shall provide the list of members eligible to participate upon request.
4.1 MUWG is led by a volunteer management committee of nine to twelve utility members, one of which will serve as chairperson and one as co-chairperson. The committee will attempt to have at least one representative from each of the Business sectors. (T&D, Power Generation, Gas & Oil, Waste Water, etc.) An IBM Maximo management representative participates in the Management Committee as a non-voting member.
The Management Committee provides leadership to MUWG and is responsible for the following:
Determining where and when conferences are to be conducted.
Determining the theme and agenda for each conference, considering the needs of the members.
Conducting surveys of needs and distributing Group information, as warranted.
Evaluating the effectiveness of MUWG.
Providing direction to the Program Manager.
4.2 The Program Manager and Staff provide administrative and technical support for the Group. The Program Manager collaborates with the MUWG Chairperson.
The Program Manager and Staff are responsible for the following:
Providing administrative work required to set-up and conduct conferences.
Providing notification of conferences to members.
Collecting and manage the funds required to support the Group's activities.
Providing financial reports and status of the Group's activities.
Interfacing with IBM management on behalf of the Group.
4.3 Members are utility companies that use MAXIMO (under license) and choose to participate in conferences, committees and sub-committees.
Each member utility of MUWG has the right to:
Have representatives attend MUWG meetings. All permanent employees belonging to that member utility may attend meetings.
Vote on MUWG issues and for election of MUWG officers.
MUWG is a voluntary organization to promote information exchange that has the potential to save member utilities considerable time and resources. The success of MUWG is dependent upon the contribution of each member. Each member utility is expected to provide support to the organization.
4.4 IBM Maximo Management provides a channel to communicate with MUWG and will support requests for technical presentations and expert advice, as appropriate.
MUWG conducts two conferences per year (one conference in the spring and one in the fall). Conferences are alternated between the eastern and western portions of the United States, and ideally, in areas where the highest concentration of member utility companies are located.
Conferences are conducted at facilities close to major cities and airports to facilitate traveling.
Conference hotel selections should provide free meeting space, and reasonable rates for the area.
Lunch is provided at each conference to eliminate the need to leave the premises.
Presentation materials and meeting notes are provided to each individual who attend the conferences.
Conference fees are non-refundable within two weeks of the conference. A credit for a future conference will be given to the member. The credit will be valid for one year of the cancelled conference.
Registration information (name, company, email address) will be shared with participating conference vendor sponsors. Members may opt out by contacting a MUWG Management member.
IBM Maximo is committed to supporting MUWG by having at least one representative at each conference.
IBM Maximo may be requested to provide technical presentations and keep members informed of new developments.
IBM Maximo may use the conference to bring perspective utility customers to interact with current users.
MUWG understands that the vendor community associated with MAXIMO brings added value to the members. The Management Committee seeks to establish ways that MAXIMO users and vendors can meet and learn from each other in a highly professional environment. The Management Committee reserves the right to change any guideline about vendor relationships depending on the comments of the attendees.
The primary venue for vendors to participate in MUWG Conferences is to exhibit on Vendor Night, which is traditionally held at the end of the first full day of the Conference. There is a fee to exhibit. The Vendor Program is available to download on the MUWG Website and explains the sponsorship fees. Vendors are asked not to sell during the conference sessions.
The membership requires presentations be delivered by other members or invited guests. Vendors can assist members in preparing and delivering presentations, but it must not be a sales pitch.
Vendors are invited to be a sponsor at the conferences. There are four levels of sponsorship. Sponsorships are given on a first come-first serve basis and may be limited due to space. Other sponsorships include meals and breaks during the conference. . The Vendor may provide special signage for sponsoring a meal/break. Recognition for sponsoring a meal/break will also be included on the Conference Agenda and in GuideBook.
MUWG website will maintain links directly to participating vendors' website for six months.
In order to accommodate vendors who would like to hold a daylong seminar on the day after the formal conference, the following guidelines are established:
Vendor participation in the conference is by invitation of the Management Committee only.
Vendors must meet one of the following criteria:
Be a recognized IBM Maximo Partner Program Participant.
Be a provider of a service or product in support of MAXIMO at a member site and sponsored by the member.
Be a vendor that the Management Committee believes will bring added value to the membership.
All vendor presentations must be submitted to the MUWG Management Committee for review and approval 60 days prior to being selected as the vendor of choice for the seminar. Failure to comply with the spirit and intent of this charter will result in the vendor not being invited to subsequent MUWG Conferences. The Management Committee shall be the final arbiter of any confusion concerning vendors that are invited to participate in MUWG Conferences.
MUWG is a Nonprofit Corporation in which all funds are used to support activities sponsored by the Group. The Group is funded through conferences, training and assessment fees. The Management Committee will approve fees based on location, materials and historical costs.